Blog & Company News

Ergonomics in the Workplace: Setting Labor Standards

Anytime you decide to evaluate improving assembly line productivity – starting with a review of the ergonomics of the work-stations is the always best way to start. Attending to the ergonomics of your work-stations makes analyzing, developing and implementing normal...

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Confidence in knowing your Work standards are Fair

Self-confident and assertiveness are two skills that are crucial for success in life. If you don't feel worthy, and/or you don't know how to express your self-worth when communicating with others, life can be very painful. Developing these skills in your employees...

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Components of a Solution

A healthy workplace is reflected in employee attitudes and heightened worker production standards based upon ergo friendly design tasks, workstations and environment. Attaining visible workplace health remains the most holistic approach to solving workplace and...

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Are Your Employees Laser Focused on Continuous Improvement?

Is your work force collectively laser-focused on improving yields and profitability in order to make decent-enough returns to grow the business? You may be thinking, "WOW, now that’s a lot to expect of our workers!" But is it really? Creating a work environment that...

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Onsite MODAPTS® Certification

Ed Eisbrenner travels the world to help companies implement MODAPTS® as a means to improve productivity, ergonomics, and more with ease.

Online MODAPTS® Certification

This comprehensive course is designed as a 28-hour class that includes 5 modules. The course includes interactive exercises and video examples designed to introduce you to the principles and rules of the MODAPTS® system.

Online MODAPTS® Certification

Ed Eisbrenner is hosting several three-day MODAPTS® Certification courses. Is there one near you? You may also use this page to inquire about hosting your own MODAPTS® Certification event.

FREE Consultation

Are you interested in a MODAPTS® Certification or understanding how MODAPTS® could help your organization? Schedule a FREE consultation with Ed Eisbrenner to see which MODAPTS® course is right for you or your employees.

What Industries Use MODAPTS®?

There are many industries that benefit from the implementation of MODAPTS®.

MODAPTS® and Lean Six Sigma to Increase Employee Productivity

While MODAPTS® may not have the common popularity of Lean Six Sigma, interest continues to grow. This is because more companies are using MODAPTS® as part of their Six Sigma initiatives. As a tool to improve ergonomics in the workplace, MODAPTS® identifies ways to make work more efficient by identifying non valued added movements in the assembly process.