Blog & Company News
American Manufacturing is on the Rise
More and more is being written about on shoring or re shoring, bringing back manufacturing to US soil. How can that be? Is this a fad? Is this the latest “flavor of the month” program management signed up for? What are the reasons why? Why is this happening? The...
A Guide to Staffing Model Development
Staffing Model Development Guide: By creating and using a staffing model, a small business can maximize efficiency by ensuring it is staffed with the right number of people, possessing the relevant skill sets to meet critical business needs at the appropriate time. 1)...
Why Measure White-Collar Work?
Studies on human workplace and task-efficiency and safety have been conducted across the broad fields of industry for centuries. While most people associate work place training for efficiencies as largely a blue-collar necessity there remains equal value...
9 Benefits of Using Time Study Training Across the Organization
The process of making a time study training analysis of normal human work standards for specific tasks has applications all across a manufacturing plant's capacity for planning, for expansion and profits. Time standards deliver predictable manual process segments for...
Why Do We Do It That Way?
The age old story goes…The newly wed husband observes his wife cutting off the end of the ham and throws it away before she places the ham into the tray and into the oven. The husband asks her “Why do you do that?” The wife answers” I don’t know. That is how my mother...