In Donald Trump’s first book, “The Art of the Deal” he discusses the importance of getting the job “done right the first time.” This is a fundamental key he proved with his success when building his skyscrapers.

Downtime and cost overruns can ruin you. This truth rang totally clear in his book and it becomes crystal clear that this is also how the manufacturing industry succeeds – after all, skyscrapers cannot be built without making broad use of parts manufactured and assembled by the manufacturing industry.

What Donald Trump understands – is exactly how important efficiency and smooth order-flow is for effective delivery in a timely manner – of any part or other assembled material resource that might be needed.

The manufacturing industry isn’t any different when it comes to efficiency and effective use of resources and labor.

How To Expand Efficiency During the Manufacturing Process

Work measurement has everything to do with efficiency. Measuring every aspect of the manufacturing and assembly process is the only way to determine if your efficiency levels are as fine-tuned as they can be.

Getting it “done right the first time” has everything to do with prevention of downtime and cost over-runs. As Mr. Trump points out – controlling and expanding your efficiencies are the direct result of predetermining precise timing for absolutely every element of the manufacturing-and-assembly process.

Trump tells the story of how he personally found the level of the cement in the side walk outside one of his buildings to be off by ¼”. He followed up and held the contractor accountable for the difference. That is discipline. That paying attention to the details.

As work measurement engineer’s it is our responsibility to know precisely how long it takes for every step, every element, and every movement required to assembly a part on an assembly line or even to fill a transport truck. This is work measurement. Performing at a world class level is paying attention to details. Just as Donald Trump pays attention to the details in building skyscrapers, it is just as essential for engineers as understanding the most efficient ergonomically-sensitive approach to part assembly, packaging or delivery.

Each of these efficiencies is able to be exactly-calculated using predetermined time standards. Labor tasks of any kind can be streamlined and calculated using software for the most precise predictions making deliveries, assembly runs and project completions with astounding accuracy. Keep in mind, there are also limitations to using predetermined time systems.

Profits Increase And Critical Reputations Are Maintained

There is broad availability for utilizing predetermined time standards for work measurement or even modular applications of predetermined time standards – making it possible to save enormous amounts when considering the effects of unexpected down times and cost over-runs.

Operations managers actually have few excuses for not training for and applying these efficiencies. Work measurement is a science. It delivers exact information that provides the ability to engage precise timing for projects and deliveries within any industry where human labor is utilized.

With the delivery of high technologies that expanded the electronics assembly markets – utilization of predetermined time standards has helped close the gap between predicting a projects completion time and repeatedly meeting it with precision.

Every successful company is reputation dependent, and dependability, quality-control and delivery timing are all critically tied to labor efficiency and prevention of cost over-runs.

Position Your Company: Market Dominance Through Reputation

Generating a culture of excellence, heightened market competition and quality employee relations – is the fastest road to market dominance. When your company is one that attracts and retains employees who truly care about the success or failure of their workplace – you will know you have arrived in that coveted position.

Positioning your company for this level of success has everything to do with applying the sciences available today for accurately-predicting precisely how long any order will take to get from order placed – to a high-quality product delivered.

Are predetermined time systems right for your company?

Are you interested in improving their assembly line productivity? Do you use PDTS in your facility? Are you correctly using your PDTS? Are you considering using PDTS vs. a stop watch for setting production standards? Is a PDTS right for your organization and culture to determine with precision exactly what the reasonable amount of time is required to complete any defined task by any typical operator or laborer?