Measuring of worker efficiency is one of the best ways to enhance and expand your company productivity and reliable delivery of products and/or services.

Dependable, predictable delivery estimates are the foundation of trustworthy business relationships. With accurate work measurements it is possible to utilize a much greater reliability on accurate timeline predictions.

How To Enhance Your Work Measurement Capacity

Establishing a dependable work measurement standard is accomplished by establishing – then measuring – units of work. In the MODAPTS© system, a unit of work is called a MOD. A MOD – is equal to 0.129 seconds in decimal time. 7.75 MOD’s equal one second. The MOD value is used to measure the time needed to complete a body movement.

There are two methods an analyst may use to classify movement activities. These are:

    • 1. By the distance moved.
    • 2. By the body part required to perform the move.

Earlier predetermined time systems required an analyst to measure the distance involved in each move. In contrast, MODAPTS© prefers to classify by the body part required to perform a move.

There is, of course, a relationship between the body part required to complete a move and the distance moved. MODAPTS© does take distances into consideration. However, the primary focus is on the body part; secondary consideration is given to the distance moved. This approach improves the speed of constructing an analysis.

Every required movement can be identified with two-character codes. These are typically identified by using a letter followed by a number. The letter will represent a basic movement. For example, the MOVE to pick up of a part from a table might be coded as M3G1. The M3 represents the type of activity or the movement of the arm hinged at the elbow and 3 represents the time required to complete based on the distance. In this case approx. 12 inches. The G1 represents a simple Get. The total number of MOD’s that are required to perform and complete this activity = 4.

Most typical manufacturing processes actually only involve 5, (M_G, M_P_ and W), of the 18 basic movements used in the MODAPTS© system, e.g., “move to get and move to put with a walk.”

Simplicity of understanding data is what makes the MODAPTS© work measurement system most effective.

Motions Sequences Followed by Coding Procedures

Simplification of coding procedures so that any worker can intuitively understand them is the best way to simplify complex communications and movement analysis. Every listed activity should be recorded with the time it takes to complete the activity. Appropriate allowances are always made for potential circumstances such as break times, interruptions or other unavoidable delays.

The MODAPTS© system is the simplest, most reliable and easiest to interpret PDTS available in the world today. The MODAPTS© codes, written as motion sequences in an analysis, are easy to interpret and understand at a glance.

You can obtain reliable work measurements by getting certified today—and it can even be delivered on your own training site. With MODAPTS© onsite training from the Eisbrenner Productivity Group (EPG), your teams receive intensive, highly-interactive learning experiences. 

More than 97% of MODAPTS© training participants report that onsite training delivered more confidence and reliability in the evaluation of a workstation layout and conducting a MODAPTS© analysis. 

Participants also reported the perspective that the onsite and online versions of MODAPTS© certification was equally as effective.

MODAPTS© Training Course Highlights

Our training courses are presented with skill, enthusiasm, and up-to-date materials. The specialized and effective MODAPTS© Practitioner Training classes efficiently deliver the principles, concepts and rules for using the MODAPTS© work measurement system. Every on-site class is especially tailored to your specific employees’ needs. 

Within the three and a half day sessions, our top-notch certified instructors deliver clear and concise training methods that guarantee employees will get the results most needed. 

In order to make the sessions even more personalized – we perform a work measurement analysis on at least one of your operations as part of the hands-on MODAPTS© study.

If your company is ready to begin measuring your worker utilization for an increase in productivity, delivery competence and profit expanding time measurement evaluations – simply fill out our form here.