In today’s fast-paced world of global competition – organizations need to keep their processes on the cutting edge. This includes the training of your employees as they cycle through their assignments on their upward trek within your organization.

When it comes to the process of training – people should always rotate through – avoiding a rotation of the fundamental training itself – be it finance, marketing, product design or manufacturing.

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Key Training Overview

The key to a solid foundation and growing strength for any organization is the robustness of the training curriculum itself. This means the classes should be developed for both an overview – as well as being in depth enough to provide competence and quality when taking the next steps.

This process should include methods that deliver consistent job performances and approaches that make it possible to more simply cross-train for back up of critical positions.

It should also include methods that heighten the awareness of trainees to the standard amounts of time that are required to perform and complete an average task that is commonly conducted by numerous other workers.

Company Upward Mobility

Subject matter technical experts should be groomed for leadership or senior department positions as “go to” people for each class of new hires that come into the company.

Experienced guidance is a critical element when it comes to quality training, class design and implementation. Utilizing the most talented workers and actively honing their talents for the benefit of the company is an efficient way to garner greater levels of loyalty and effectiveness.

Creating Reasonable and Profitable Work Standards

One essential aspect of establishing work standards that are effective across the field of trainees – is the comprehension of the value of time standards for task performances. When reliable work standards are developed and effectively communicated – they can have a permeating effect across entire work force in a manner that establishes highly productive work performances.

When the culture within any organization shares a comprehensive overview of performance standards – it can assist in the further development of goal setting and realistic projections of any time-dependent process across the organizational landscape.

MODular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards, or MODAPTS, is one of the most commonly utilized approaches to determine reasonable expectations for the time required to complete a defined task by a typical operator.

Cross-Training for Greater Flexibility and Understanding

Having well established predetermined time standards for commonly conducted tasks is also the best way to stabilize a company’s work ethic within its internal culture.

Anytime workers become alert to commonly established norms – and a culture of competition and goal setting is also encouraged – there can be a dynamic community of loyal and motivated participants.
Cross-training of employees is a key and dynamic way to approach the perspective of worker equality and worker engagement as active team members working towards similar or identical goals.

Cross training also encourages greater awareness and overview as to the underlying structure of how and why any company is organized in the manner that has been established.

Rethinking the Development of Work Standards

If you are part of an organization that can improve its company culture or one that needs to enhance its training programs for current and incoming employees – it would be beneficial to consider exploring the MODAPTS training curriculum before further designing your own program.

Expansion towards even greater profitability lies largely within the realm of accurate time projections, and efficient labor management. When focusing on these target areas – the enhancement of efficiency, effectiveness and quality reputation management is always much more attainable.
Are you interested in learning more about how predetermined systems can be used to train and teach your employees? If so, contact us for more information. We have helped others, maybe we can help you too.