According to a 2013 research study – over the next decade we may find that talent is the missing link in our supply chain. It follows that companies are actively recruiting as well as mentoring high-value talent, while there is a major shift happening within talent management today.

The study was conducted by a group called Supply Chain Insights LLC. The results were objective and independent, and revealed current markets trends for supply chain talent and it’s current availability as they connect to future trends.

The research conducted by Supply Chain Insights is intended for application to the supply chain manufacturing industry to better predict short falls and other critical events that can cause a destabilization of the industry.

Industry Response: Supply Chain Management Talent Shortage Solutions

The study goes on to report that many manufacturing administrators remain unaware of the impending shortages. They also fail to take into account the potential solutions that can be reinforced immediately to protect a company from the shortages hitting too hard or too soon.

Within the executive overview of this study – it was announced that there is no debate over the facts of the results. The impending talent shortage for supply chain management is facing a crisis.
Yet nowhere in the text of the response, were there reports or even mention of the effective response to this shortage that many in this industry have already wisely attended to: namely – the critical value of establishing predetermined time standards to address effective and efficient performance of specific supply chain manufacturing tasks within key positions.

Predetermined Time Standards

Clearly the manufacturing industry is experiencing the dawn of a new era. Much to everyone’s chagrin, when companies go to the market to recruit, they are discovering the competition for manufacturing supply chain talent has never been tougher.

The result of this reality is that more often than not – smart manufacturing supply chain leaders are turning to the use of predetermined time standards, like MODAPTS, for reliable productivity measurement, while making cross training and cross talent pools even more accessible within their enterprises.

In this revealing study, more companies rated themselves as worse than their peer group in managing supply chain talent. This ratio was 2:1.

In the study, when companies were asked to self-assess their capabilities for managing their supply chain talent, 17 percent reported that they perform better than their peer group while 34 percent reported that they did worse.

Currently there is a rolling 15 percent turnover within supply chain employees. In the report -, 46 percent of companies try to hire from within the company. 17 percent fill roles mostly by recruiting talent from other supply chain manufacturing companies.

The current dynamics of supply and demand make it challenging to fill an open position within this supply chain manufacturing industry. Most of these companies have open positions that remain empty for up to four months.

This pain is more than critical. The average company in the study has four positions open for five months at a time. The most difficult positions to fill are in the areas of planning. These require both a technical mastery of technology and an organizational understanding of the business drivers.
Only 23 percent of companies responding to the study enjoy the benefits of a planned cross-functional training program for existing employees. In the predetermined time systems, MODAPTS, MODular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards is the easiest to learn and simplest to use system available.

This study points out the need for cross-functional skill development. Why not make MODAPT training for mid-management supply chain management leaders part of your world class company?
With the provision of MODAPTS efficiency and effectiveness results in greater profitability every time.

Are you interested in learning more about how predetermined systems can be used to train and teach your employees? If so, contact us for more information. We have helped others, maybe we can help you too.