The age old story goes…The newly wed husband observes his wife cutting off the end of the ham and throws it away before she places the ham into the tray and into the oven. The husband asks her “Why do you do that?” The wife answers” I don’t know. That is how my mother always does it when she cooks a ham.”
The husband then asks his mother in law, “Why do you cut off the end of the ham before placing it into the tray then into the oven. His mother in law replied, “I don’t know. I think to let the air filter thru the end of the ham when it is cooking. But that is the way my mother always use to cooked her ham.”
So the husband asks his wife’s grandmother, “Why did you always cut off the end of the ham before you cooked it?” The grandmother answered, “Because my try was too small to hold the entire ham.”
The point here is that in today’s world of manufacturing if you are still using a stop watch to set your production work standards you need to ask yourself “Why are we doing that?”
The world is rapidly changing and manufacturing is very competitive. As engineers we must always believe there will always be a better way to make a mouse trap. As manufactures we always need to be reviewing our cost of production. One cost is our labor. Why use a stop watch to guess at what your production costs truly? Predetermined Time Systems are a great for work measurement and the setting of production standards have been in existence for a long time.
Are you interested in learning more about how predetermined systems can be used to train and teach your employees? If so, contact us for more information. We have helped others, maybe we can help you too.